After an unending war with the metastreumonic Force, the powerful organization Secreta Secretorum you belong to is finally ready to undermine the head-strong federation, despite an intense struggle for power.

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1000. MegaCorporations

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Ultra liberalism created high-powered monsters, even almighty. Their appetite could wolf down worlds, lives. Such chaos, these entities destroy as well as they create. It was in these terms that a blasé investigator could spoke to you about the corporations and others megacorporations.

During the period of the dark ages, the international legislation by granting to the companies the statute of "corporate body", and by considering them as such, allowed them the acquisition of many rights and to grow in a frightening manner. Profit, competition, entrepreneurship alienated the spirit until a furious madness. All started to be privatise, including some of there vital resources like drinking water.

Enough quickly, without really someone remembered how, the biggest companies, called megacorporations formed a consortium to gain power and influences . What was running very well.
The megacorporations wearied by the incompetence or the rigidity of the states, decided to be armed. And with the best equipment available. All began in the very unstable politically countries, especially the poor nations.
The second great step for the consortium was when that urban violence become unmanageable in the rich countries which was exceeded by the events, had to call upon the private armies of the different megacorporations to hold the role of police force.

What before was known of all but was still illegal, became legal following this event. The megacorporations has just acquired the right to found and maintain the private armies. Nevertheless this authorization was cancelled a few years later following the scandal of butcher's day, when that the Scrytech megacorporation repressed in blood a syndical manifestation. It was a massacre of several thousands of victims, an ideal occasion for the states to recover capacity by weakening the megacorporations, and thus the consortium. But in spite of this cancellation, much of megacorporations kept a private, but greatly reduced, army.

Sciences, technologies and arts rather quickly became exclusivenesses in the Megacorporations, transforming them into current products. It is at this time that one of the rare group of independent scientists alarmed people and the leaders that the resources of the Earth were becoming very quickly exhausted. What was going to cause great catastrophes. All the countries signed a charter of good moral. For the megacorporations, this alarm sounded like the starting signal of an insane race to the consumption of few remaining resources. The eyes of the leaders of megacorporations also turned to the sky. Thus the space conquest took all its rise.

Mars was very quickly colonized by the companies. The first colonies were established there, and with them, the first tax on the breathable air sold like a simple service of consumption. But one day, Mars attacked the Earth. What precipitated the events. The countries of the Earth were combined under a group named Federation and the consortium proposed to join its forces, supposed not to exist. The Federation accepted. Mars was beaten and the capacity of the power of consortium increased. The megacorporations again had the right to have their own armies, and also profited from the complete territorial rights on their places. For complete territorial rights, the laws of each megacorporation were sovereign on each one of their sites.

Nowadays, this right changed, and this following too many abuses, and is subjected to the federal laws. Although in practice, any federal investigator will say to you that, just to question a suspect in a place of a corporation, it is necessary to pass a lawyer army, to have thousands of mandates and other injunctions, and that certain parts of the sites supporters of corporatism are inaccessible because of the industrial secret.

Now, the Consortium has a huge power. It is composed of 17 mega corporations:

Tyroll: Cyber technology, Weapons, High Tech Electronics, Biotechnology.
MegaFrame: High Tech Electronics, Cyber technology, Entertainments.
Vindico: Weapons, Civil and Military Vehicles, Space Infrastructures and Space Vehicles.
Saan: Weapons, Civil Vehicles, Terraforming.
Transcom: Communications.
Angel Corp: Public Transport, Civil Vehicle, Terraforming.
Brouzouf Bank: Bank.
Zetlet Bankum: Bank.
Varandine: Cyber Technology, Biotechnology, High Tech Weapons, Military Transport.
Takashima: Civil vehicle, Space Vehicles, Military Vehicles.
WaveCorp: Vehicles for Terraforming, Terraforming, Weapons.
Croon Sidetech: Weapons, Space Infrastructures, Psy Research, High Tech Electronics, Interdimensional Research.

--Intrusion detected... VanDack **master hacker**: fucking bastards Croon !!!-firewall activated--... intrusion blocked-

SuoYahma: Civil vehicles, Entertainments.
ZedeenGoth: Cyber technology, Biotechnology, High Tech Electronics.
Space Unlimited: Civil Transport and Special Items, Inter Dimensional Research and Exploitation.
Macht Brouzouf: Bank.
Nano supra: High Tech Electronics, Weapons, Cyber Technology.

Each mega corporation has a private army and several also mercenaries employed by syndicates. Some are specialized in assassinations and in cleaning. The Federation itself has difficult to maintain under its laws the Consortium, and only a silly man would attack the Consortium. That John Von Nash, investigator (name given to the mercenaries private and elected by the federation) tried against Vindico, and as disappeared a few months later.

The federation conscious of the capacity of the corporations created a special unit of investigation and intervention, the CCMC. The members of this unit have right master keys and capacities does not have normally the federal police force. The members of this special cell are regarded as incorruptible and are impassioned. Their effectiveness is frightening, and their methods are sometimes in extreme cases of legality. Everyone still has in memory the business in year 12 baptized business of the building 14, where members of the unit of the CCMC had penetrated illegally in the buildings of Vindico thanks to system of an optical and thermal camouflage, to recover files, blaming the megacorporation concerning the murder of a governor. The members of the commando had also benefitted from the occasion to earlier assassinate the person in charge for safety for Vindico, suspected of having financed the assassination of one of their colleague six months.

Paradise for corporations, thus one names several territories or planets where the Federation does not dare outward journey. Generally these places are populated criminals, anarchists, rebels... but also of corporations. It is the ideal place for any traffic and doubtful sales. The corporations are protected from chaos with their private armies as well as the benevolent assistance local mercenaries paid. In several times, one or several mega corporations can apply their law. It is the case for example on the Exterlos planet which is out of the federal jurisdiction, where the consortium imposed its capacity the local tribes of plunderers and to other pirates of space. Since, there is there an order even larger than on a federal planet.

Very often, the Federation carries out semi-official raids in these territories, either to sap the capacity of the consortium or a mega corporation, or to capture/kill a criminal, an opponent or a terrorist.
The mega corporations have also buildings and territories on certain planets belonging to the nonhuman ones, after all the trade does not know a border.


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